About Cut Maple Salvage
Welcome to CUT MAPLE SALVAGE. Established in 1972 and based in Halstead, Essex, we have over 50 years experience in the sale of second-hand vehicles. Our regular stock includes left and right hand drive cars, 4x4s, trucks, motorcycles and multiple-purpose vehicles. We frequently offer both damaged and undamaged stock, as well as stolen and recovered vehicles for resale. Our shipping rates are highly competitive.A full inventory of our current stock can be found here or via Ebay link below. A full description of each item is provided, but please also refer to our general terms and conditions. If you have any enquiries about our company or a particular item of stock, please do not hesitate to contact us. Visits to our Halstead centre are by prior appointment only, so please get in touch and we’ll be happy to arrange this for you.

Where to find us...